Creator Makiko Aoki アオキマキコの最前列。日々の記録。
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2011-12 Autumn Winter.

There are sophisticated with playful mind looks.


Jung Yong Hwa appeared on Korean drama "Ikemen desune" is the leader and vocal of 4 piece band CNBLUE. I firstly know the CNBLUE but their music is so cool, and I was excited after so long! Because they stayed 2years in Japan to practice to have street live, I feel them so close. And, the song they covered "Geek In The Pink" is a song of Jason Mraz, it is so cool song, then i listen it all a day.
Why don't you try the both CNBLUE version and original Jason Mraz version?

韓国ドラマ"イケメンですね”に出演していた4人バンドCNBLUEのリーダーでありボーカルでもあるジョン・ヨンファ。CNBLUEというバンドも初めて知ったけど、音楽がかっこよくて久しぶりに萌えた!日本で2年間ストリートライブをして修行していたらしく、なんだか親近感も。そして、彼らがカバーしているジェイソン・ムラーズの"Geek In The Pink"という曲があんまりカッコ良くて一日こればっかり聞いてる。

Hailee Steinfeld will be new face of MIU MIU. Just like new face actress, the pure smile is so cute. I can't


It is so great that we can enjoy the OCTOBERFEST in Japan! For this year also it is held at Hibiya Park. It opens until 21:30, so people can go after work.


Today, I went to hair salon to my hair cut and got a perm. For my first time, strong curly perm made me just like the other person. Recently, it is so hot, so I want to enjoy up style hair arrange. Maybe in France, it will be easy to make style every morning.


I got photo book gathering the outstanding works of McQueen "Genius of a Generation". There are ravishingly beautiful and gorgeous dress and i was stunned by some very unique works, never get tired of looking at them. As the title said, the GENIUS is here in this book.

マックイーンの代表作を集めた写真集「Genius of a Generation」をゲット。うっとりするほどゴージャスなドレスから度肝を抜かれるユニークな作品まで何度見ても面白い。タイトル通り天才ここにあり。

Gisele Bundchen will release her own collection from Brazilian lingerie brand "Hope Lingerie". For this release, fashion show was held at Sao Paulo in Brazil.
Gisele showed up as a model. The lump shade shape head-dress is so cute! The big ribbon at the back on the hip grab woman's interests. Many tassels used as decoration made us feel elegance.


Kate Moss's photo exhibition opens at Galerie de L'Instant in Paris. As showing her history, photos by many photographers and designers are gathered. From end of this month, I will go to France, so I want to go if time allow me to do!

ケイト・モスの写真展がパリのGalerie de L'Instantにて開催中。彼女の歴史を表すべく、様々なフォトグラファーやデザイナーが撮った写真が展示されている。今月末からちょうどフランスに行くので、時間が許せば是非見に行きたい!

The charity fashion show "Fashion For Relief" drove forward by Naomi Campbell held the show for Japan earth quake in Cannes. As model, Naomi showed up 3 times, and her friend celebrities also showed up on runway.

ナオミ・キャンベルが推進するチャリティ・ファッションショウ「Fashion For Relief」が、カンヌで東日本大震災のために開催された。モデルにはナオミ本人が3回も登場し、彼女の友達のセレブやモデルもたくさん登場。

2011-12 f/w collection in Tokyo.
Theatre Products.

With little bit school girl's classic taste, so cute!

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