Creator Makiko Aoki アオキマキコの最前列。日々の記録。
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At NY, London, Milan and Paris, they had collection week this year, too. At the collection place was filled up with fashionista. From them, I would like to pick up my favorite style.
The sophisticated sense of color combination of red, gray, blue and black is great. The skirt with fin is simple but show us how the unique shape it is.


Today I went out to lunch with my friend after a long time. Girls talk never stop!! After that, we went to Daikanyama to see the Cookieboy's Cookie Room, and checked out some shops. My friends got one-piece with mixed texture of jeans and T-shirt and white unique cutting tops by SEE BY CHLOE at Loveless. The both can be used any way to ware. She did really nice shopping today!

今日は久しぶりに友達とランチ。ガールズトークは止まりません!そのあと代官山に行ってクッキーボーイさんのクッキールームを見た後は、気になるショップをチェック。友達がLovelessで買ったSEE BY CHLOEのジーンズ生地とTシャツ生地のミックスされたワンピースと白のカッティングがユニークなトップス。両方ともどんな着こなしもできる優れもの。ほんとにいい買い物だった。

Sexy champagne bottle in fishnet pantihose designed by Gaultier was released. It was collaborated with Piper Heidsieck, and was first released at the VIP dinner of "Cannes Festival" on May 13th. The ribbon on the top, eye mask and corset, they are not only sexy, but cute!


For the retrospective exhibition of Alexander McQueen, opening gala party was held. Every celebrities gave their everything for fashion, so gorgeous! Especially, perfect style Gisele Bündchen in the red beautiful dress of McQueen was so spectacular!

マックイーンの回顧展"Savage Beauty" のオープニングのガラパーティの模様。どのセレブも気合いの入ったファッションでゴージャス。特にマックイーンの真っ赤な美しいドレスで現れた完璧ボディのジゼルには圧巻!

Big retrospective exhibition of Alexander McQueen with his astonishing and provocative works "Savage Beauty" started at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The illustration is a dress with lots of flowers on the surface from the collection in 2007.

I hope it will be held in Japan, too!



A short movie "THE TALE OF A FAIRY" by CHANEL's designer Karl Lagerfeld was released on the web site. The beautiful clothes and mysterious story grabbed my eyes. Go to CHANEL HP and enjoy it.

シャネルのデザイナーKarl Lagerfeldが手がけた短編映画"THE TALE OF A FAIRY" がWeb上で公開された。美しい衣装と謎めいたストーリーに思わず引き込まれる。

Today i got complete off day after a long time, so went to Ginza Mitsukoshi to see the event space of the artists unit Kuntzel + Deygas. I got stimulated by the fashionable illustration.

About the ELLE US May 2011 issue, the cover girl is Gwen Stefani of No Doubt's vocal and recently very hot as fashion icon. Her special topic in it is also nice with many face and style.


さて、昨日と同じく友人にお土産でもらったアメリカ版ELLEの表紙はNo Doubt のボーカルでファッションアイコンとしても最近人気のGwen Stefani. 本誌の特集でも様々な表情が素敵。

I saw three McQueen's dresses at Kobe Fashion Museum. I was moved by the delicate technique and craft. In the VOGUE US May 2011, there are also special topics of his dress. I love the red feather dress of 2001 s/s collection.

神戸ファッション美術館で生のマックイーンのドレスを3点見た。繊細な技術に感動した。5月号のVOGUE USでもマックイーンが特集されていた。2001年春夏の羽のこのドレスがとっても素敵。

My best friend who just have come back from Hawaii sent me VOGUE US May issue as souvenir. Magazine with smell of perfume is nice as I can't find in Japan. I can't show my every thanks to her very smart and bright souvenir every time!
The cover girl Reese Witherspoon shows up with a elephant in the magazine. The back style in red dress is so beautiful. The theme is "A DAY AT THE CIRCUS".

表紙のReese Witherspoonは、特集ではゾウと共演。真っ赤なドレスの後ろ姿がとってもきれい。テーマは"A DAY AT THE CIRCUS"。

Season2 of Gossip Girl is on the air. I'm looking forward to see the Serena's fashion. Last week, she showed up the fashion show. The green dress and casual hair were gorgeous and nice!

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