Creator Makiko Aoki アオキマキコの最前列。日々の記録。
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The "Savage Beauty" of McQueen at Metropolitan Museum was closed on 7th August.
And the number of visitors was over 660,000. This record is the best 8th of the Metropolitan museum.

メトロポリタンで開かれていたマックイーンの"Savage Beauty"は今月7日に閉会。なんと66万人以上の人が訪れたとか。この記録はメトロポリタンの歴史の中で歴代8番目の快挙となった。

The exhibition "Irving Penn and ISSEY MIYAKE Visual Dialogue" will be held at Roppongi from 16th September. Penn is my most favorite artist, and i went to NY to see his exhibition. His works has strong connection with fashion, and he always surprised us with unusual way to take fashion. I cannot wait!

「アーヴィング・ペンと三宅一生 Visual Dialogue」展が六本木で来月16日より開催される。ペンは私が最も好きなアーティストで、彼の展示のためにNYに行ったことも。彼の作品はファッションと強いつながりがあり、いつも意外な捉え方で私たちを驚かせてきた。待ちきれない!

I finally got the exhibition book "Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty" , now being held at Metropolitan Museum of Art. I cannot go to see it this time, but I can feel the mood.The skeleton of the cover, it becomes McQeen's face by looking in the other angle.
Oh, I remember the first trip to NY to see the exhibition of Irving Penn at same place.

ついに、今メトロポリタンで展示されているマックイーンの”Savage Beauty”の図録をゲット。今回は現地まで見に行けなかったけど、雰囲気は感じられる。表紙の骸骨は、角度を変えて見ると、マックイーン本人の顔になる。

This is the picture of my work. The title is "Party Night".
こちらは今回の展示風景。タイトルは、"Party Night"。

These two are the illustration i made for the post card of this party.

Today was the day of the TOKYO DESIGNERS PARTY #1.
So many people came and see our works. Thank you for the people who talked to me that they love my works! Thank you for everyone. Wonderful day! It was also nice to get some creators friend for me.

本当にたくさんの方が来て作品を見てくださいました。私の作品が好きだと声をかけてくださった方本当にありがとうございました!そしてみなさまありがとうございました! それに、他のクリエーターのお仲間ができたのも私には素晴らしいことでした。
I will join the one night art party "TOKYO DESIGNERS PARTY #1" on 25th this month! Please come to join us the 30 creators cooperate, and fashionable party.
I will show up a big size fashion illustration, so don't miss it!
The detail is in this web sight.

今月25日に銀座で行われる1晩限りのアートなパーティ"TOKYO DESIGNERS PARTY #1"に参加します!およそ30名のクリエーターが集結するおしゃんなパーティに是非お越し下さい。

Kate Moss's photo exhibition opens at Galerie de L'Instant in Paris. As showing her history, photos by many photographers and designers are gathered. From end of this month, I will go to France, so I want to go if time allow me to do!

ケイト・モスの写真展がパリのGalerie de L'Instantにて開催中。彼女の歴史を表すべく、様々なフォトグラファーやデザイナーが撮った写真が展示されている。今月末からちょうどフランスに行くので、時間が許せば是非見に行きたい!

The exhibition of cookieboy whom had bother me from a few months is held at Gallery North Gate gallery in the SILAS&MARIA Daikanyama. The cookies are soooooo cute!

以前から気になっていたcookieboyさんのエキシビションが代官山のGallery North Gate gallery in the SILAS&MARIAで開催中。ほんとにかわいくてびっくり。

My favorite artist duo "Kuntzel and Deygas". The art exhibition of 2 cute dogs CAP and PEP made by them has started at Ginza Mitsukoshi! I can't wait to see!!

私も大好きなアーティスト・デュオ「クンゼル アンド デガ」の生み出したかわいい2匹の犬、CAPとPEPの展示が銀座三越でスタート!楽しみ!

From 21st of this month, collection exhibition "1960's-2000's FASHION" will start in Kobe Fashion Museum. 50 looks of 30 designers, like Yves Saint-Laurent, Alexander McQueen, John Galliano will gather in one place. Thanks God it will be opened during the Golden Week vacation, then I will go back to Kansai, so I can go! Cannot wait!!


Today, I went to see the exhibition "Heart Beat" at Watri-um.
I got new field of vision about the daily life i see. I remember ART is FREE.

I also went to see the "Free Fall" by Xavier Veilhanthe at the new art space, "Espace Louis Vuitton TOKYO". That was calm and beautiful art space, feeling like floating in the air. The landscape is also great. Of course his art works are interesting and cute.


それから新しくできたアートスペース”エスパス ルイ ヴィトン 東京”にグザビエ・ヴェイヤンの”Free Fall”を見に行った。静かで美しいアートスペースで、空中に浮いているような感じだった。景色もほんとに素敵。もちろん彼の作品は面白かったし、かわいかった。
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