Creator Makiko Aoki アオキマキコの最前列。日々の記録。
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"100 Years/Style/East London"

Looking back the 100 years of East London fashion in 100 seconds, revolutionary short movie. Same as Japan, England is island country, so they are so unique as England fashion.



Today I joined the Leisure cruises around Tokyo Bay. My grand mother taught me how to tie the Obi and I wore up Yukata all by myself as first time, and enjoyed the cruises with my friends so much!!


I wrote a colum for the art free paper MEMO by tdp circulated in Tokyo. The place circulated is here.

東京を中心に配布されているアートフリーペーパー MEMO by tdpにコラムを書きました。配布場所はこちら

On the 5th last day in France was free time in Paris. On Wednesday, the Musée du Louvre opens until 22:00, so we went to Montmartre first. The landscape of Paris from Basilique du Sacré-Cœur was so great, too. We got lost and couldn't visit the Amélie's cafe, but we were so lucky to ask the way to a girl who lives in Gogh's apartment, and she let us in the entrance! So, we could forgot some bad memories.
Then we went to the Musée de l'Orangerie to see the Claude Monet's "Nymphaea". It was so great, but I was surprised at the many collection in the underground floor. Unexpectedly, there were many works I love, and took much time to see.
After that, I planed to go to famous art supply store in Montparnasse, but I tearfully gave up to go there, and went to L'Avenue des Champs-Élysées. For the late lunch, we had omelet at the Laduree.
Then went to see around the venerable brand's head shop. The patina of Dior was totally great, and I was so touched.
We went to the Galeries Lafayette again. I got AGATHA's necklace with La tour Eiffel shape charm and for carrying my painting tools, I got big tote bag of See By Chloe. A rabbit and girl's photo was mixed and printed, cute.
And finally, we went to the Musée du Louvre.Because of it was early-evening, there were not so many people, we were lucky. I checked my baggage to the cloak, walked around to see the favorite works in too big museum.
The "La Joconde" gave me greatly mysterious touch. My most favorite work is "Victoire de Samothrace". Why he attracts me so much even he has no head.
While we had dinner at a cafe in the museum, a handsome waiter asked me which country I came from. I answered from Japan, then he was so excited to talk us how he was touched the Japanese people's way to behave when the Tohoku Earthquake. I was also so touched by being proud of Japan in this country far from Japan.
After that, we saw around the remaining works, took photos so much, and went back to the hotel.
I think if we had one more day,,, but this stay in France is one of the top 3 fulfilling days in my life.

そして、再びギャラリーラファイエットへ。AGATHAのエッフェル塔のネックレスとSee By Chloeの画材を運ぶためのでかトートをゲット。ウサギと女の子の顔の写真がミックスされた不思議なプリントがかわいい。

On the 3rd day in France, I went from he Mont Saint-Michel to Honfleur. Many Impressionism painters had passion to paint the beautiful landscape, I felt happy. The cute town has many cute shops, and I enjoyed shopping with relax. There were many chocolatier, i got many cute shape good ones.
And then finally I went to Paris. From Honfleur, it is 3.5hours bus drive. I took pictures at best position for the tour Eiffel. After the in-bus sightseeing like Arc de triomphe de l'Etoile,then went to hotel in quartier 12.
For the dinner, i enjoy the Mc Donalds as i go to every countries i ever been to. I think the beef is more resilient than Japanese ones, but the taste is like French, I love it. I found frappetino, like Mc Shake, the pistachio flavor has beautiful color and taste is good.


I'm home! I came back home safely from the fantastic French Trip. I really walked around and see around as forgetting to breath, and got many sensation and stimulation. I drew the cover of French VOGUE got in France. The inside is not same as Japanese or American VOGUE, has original atmosphere. I think nude looks are seen in more pages then the other countries VOGUE, but they are artistic and beautiful.

The first day in France, I went to Chartres to see Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres, and then went to Loire to see the Château de Chenonceau, the Château de Chenonceau, and the Château d'Amboise. I got bowled over by the gorgeous rooms, and was so tired in good meaning.

to be continued...




My travel to France was canceled because of the Icelandic eructation last year. Today I can go to France as re-plane! Finally, my dream comes true, I'm so excited. I cannot update this blog during some days, but will report with many memories and stimulation i would got in France.


Today, I went to hair salon to my hair cut and got a perm. For my first time, strong curly perm made me just like the other person. Recently, it is so hot, so I want to enjoy up style hair arrange. Maybe in France, it will be easy to make style every morning.


Today I went out to lunch with my friend after a long time. Girls talk never stop!! After that, we went to Daikanyama to see the Cookieboy's Cookie Room, and checked out some shops. My friends got one-piece with mixed texture of jeans and T-shirt and white unique cutting tops by SEE BY CHLOE at Loveless. The both can be used any way to ware. She did really nice shopping today!

今日は久しぶりに友達とランチ。ガールズトークは止まりません!そのあと代官山に行ってクッキーボーイさんのクッキールームを見た後は、気になるショップをチェック。友達がLovelessで買ったSEE BY CHLOEのジーンズ生地とTシャツ生地のミックスされたワンピースと白のカッティングがユニークなトップス。両方ともどんな着こなしもできる優れもの。ほんとにいい買い物だった。

Today is the wedding ceremony day of Prince William and Kate Middleton! Congratulations! In UK, official HP of the royal wedding is opened.
I cannot wait to see the dresses!

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